+63 085 9759840 vpadmin@urios.edu.ph


Embarke on a transformative journey of self-discovery, intellectual growth, and personal fulfillment . Enroll at FSUU

Engineering and Technology Program

The Engineering and Technology Program aims to turn out technically competent graduates with Catholic orientation who can contribute to the
industrialization and economic progress of the country, particularly Region XIII.

The Engineering and Technology Program endeavors to:
1. equip students with technical knowledge to enable them to understand and appreciate advances in science and technology;
2. train students in creative thinking and logical reasoning through proficiency in Mathematics and Sciences;
3. develop skills necessary for the application of professional Engineering proficiencies;
4. cultivate in the student’s appreciation of and respect for the dignity of work to contribute to community development.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Career Opportunities

Project engineer / manager
Urban Planner
Design Engineer
Operations engineer / manager
Industrial Designer
Supply Chain Analyst


Office of the Dean
+63 [085] 975-9840 local 4621